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How to use a Gift Card on Mosaic Art Studio Website?

How to use a Gift Card on Mosaic Art Studio Website?

Have you been given a gift card and you’re not sure how to use it? Then this blog post is for you! Here, we will explain how to use your gift card on our website so that you can enjoy the savings. Let’s get started.

If you want to just get on with how to use gift cards, right here you can find the quick summary and if you want the longer more descriptive version you can continue reading our blog post. Click below to go to respective sections of the blog post:

For Mobile

For Desktop

Quick Summary:

  1. Open our website.
  2. Add Workshops/Products to your cart.
  3. Proceed to Checkout
  4. (Only for mobile) Fill out billing information and continue to payment.
  5. Write your gift code into Gift Code/Discount Code section.

Quick Note: Express payment methods can't use gift codes.

For Mobile:

Step 1: Open Our Website in Any Web Browser You Like

First, open up your web browser of choice and navigate to our website. This could be Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or any other web browser of your preference. Once there, you are ready to start shopping!



Step 2: Add Workshops/Products You Want to Your Cart

Once on the website, start adding the workshops or products of your choice to your cart. If you find something that you don’t need or don’t want anymore, feel free to remove it from your cart at any time. Keep adding items until you are satisfied with what is in your cart and ready for checkout.

Step 3: Proceed To Checkout

Once everything looks good in your cart, proceed to checkout by clicking on the “Checkout” button in your cart. You will then be taken checkout page where you fill out information such as billing address and shipping address (if applicable).

Important Note: If you use any of the express checkout methods (including PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay), you can't use gift card codes as these methods are intended for faster checkouts. You can still use these methods as payment after you click the Checkout button at your cart though. This will lead you to standard Checkout page where you will be able to choose your payment method.

Step 4: Fill out Billing Information and Continue to Payment

After you click the Checkout button, you will see the page where you need to fill out your billing information. These information include your contact email, name, and address. After this click to "Continue to Payment" button to select your preferred payment method. 

Step 5: Find The "Gift Card Or Discount Code" Section

At checkout page, right before the payment method selection, there should be a section labeled “Gift card or discount code." Find this section and fill out the gift card code that was sent to you when you received the gift card (this code should have been emailed directly from us). Once entered correctly into this field, our system should recognize it and apply it automatically as payment towards your order. Enjoy your discount!

For Desktop:

Step 1: Open Our Website in Any Web Browser You Like

First, open up your web browser of choice and navigate to our website. This could be Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or any other web browser of your preference. Once there, you are ready to start shopping!


Step 2: Add Workshops/Products You Want to Your Cart

Once on the website, start adding the workshops or products of your choice to your cart. If you find something that you don’t need or don’t want anymore, feel free to remove it from your cart at any time. Keep adding items until you are satisfied with what is in your cart and ready for checkout.


Step 3: Proceed To Checkout

Once everything looks good in your cart, proceed to checkout by clicking on the “Checkout” button in your cart. You will then be taken checkout page where you fill out information such as billing address and shipping address (if applicable).

Important Note: If you use any of the express checkout methods (including PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay), you can't use gift card codes as these methods are intended for faster checkouts. You can still use these methods as payment after you click the Checkout button at your cart though. This will lead you to standard Checkout page where you will be able to choose your payment method.

Step 4: Find The "Gift Card Or Discount Code" Section

At checkout page, right before the total cost appears, there should be a section labeled “Gift card or discount code." Find this section and fill out the gift card code that was sent to you when you received the gift card (this code should have been emailed directly from us). Once entered correctly into this field, our system should recognize it and apply it automatically as payment towards your order. Enjoy your discount!




Using a gift card on our website is easy—simply follow these four steps and enjoy your savings! If at any time during these steps something doesn't seem quite right or if an error message appears upon entering the gift card code correctly into the “Gift card or discount code” section at checkout, please reach out directly via email or phone so that we can assist with resolving any issues promptly. We hope this guide has been helpful in showing how easy it is to use a gift card on our website! Happy shopping!